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Organiser's Description

Roon The Toon 10K


 The event starts and finishes at the Ayrshire Athletics Arena in Kilmarnock and features a fast, flat, attractive course that goes "Roon The Toon". This years race is the Scottish Athletics 10K Road and Wheelchair Race Championship. Full details of the event are on the race website -

We also have a Wheelchair and Frame Running race(racing chairs / frames and PPE), and a 10K'Stroller Roll' for runners wishing to push buggies / wheelchairs. This needs to be a separate non-competitive event for insurance puposes and will be at the back of the main field. NB: 'non competitive' is not precisely defined by our insureres but it is about avoiding risk - if you are likely to become impatient to pass slow runners to the point of rudeness, it is not the event for you. 

Self propelled wheelchair users, start with the main field.

We have the best value goody bag anywhere with a value well in excess of the entry fee - T Shirt and medal for all finishers, a free ticket for a Kilmarnock FC home game (conditions apply), Roon the Toon Empire Biscuit, free drink at the Park Hotel after the race and a comprehensive prize fund.

NB: for 'Stroller Roll' competitors, it is one medal/goody bag per entry. T shirts, medals and goody bags are for finishing , not entering. All prizes are based on gun time.

In addition to male and female team prizes for running clubs, there are also special category prizes for male, female and mixed teams as follows :-

  • First Public Service Team (police, fire, NHS or Local Authority)
  • First Educational Establishment Team (Secondary School, Uni, College -entrants must be 15 or older on race day)
  • First Business Team
  • First Sports Club Team (excluding running or Tri clubs)

A team can be of any size but only the first 3 finishers count based on overall position. Organisations can enter multiple teams. Just choose a name (as long as it’s decent) and select the appropriate team category on the drop down menu. You can make multiple entries on the same credit card by using the 'Add Another' button on the Shopping Basket screen.

Entries will close on June 1st or when the race limit of 2250 is reached.

Venue : Ayrshire Athletics Arena (AAA), Queens Drive, Kilmarnock, KA1 3XF
Date and Time : Sunday 8th June 2025 at 10.00am 
Cost :  £22 with £2 discount for SA and UKA affiliate members
Contact for further information : email -



The organiser has included pricing details in the Organiser's Description

To sign-up for this event, the Service Fee is 4% (min 50p) for each sign-up

Dates and Status

Date: 08 Jun 2025

EventAvailable/TotalStatusClosing Date
Roon The Toon 10K??/2200Closed01 Jun 2025 23:59
Roon The Toon Wheelchair / Frame Running 10K??/8Open16 May 2025 23:59
Roon The Toon 10K Stroller Roll??/12Open01 Jun 2025 23:59


John Gebbie



Ayrshire Athletics Arena Queens Drive Kilmarnock KA1 3XF