Sherwood Outpaw Series 24/25 Event 1 Cubs (9 and under)
09 Mar 2025
![Logo for Sherwood Outpaw Series 24/25 Event 1 Cubs (9 and under)](
Organiser's Description
Sunday March 9th 2025
Location: Sherwood Pines Forest, Edwinstowe.
Date: March 9th 2025
Time: Race registration 08:00 – 08:30
Race start: 08:45 Prize giving: 11:00
The trail is a mixture of terrain for the two courses. The course starts with open fire road before heading right onto single trail. There is a section of the route which winds through trees on single trail and attention should be paid to turns and branches. The return half of the long trail winds through the woods, before it rejoins fire road and shared paths. While the route is marked and marshalled, it is the competitor’s responsibility to navigate the route independently. Athletes are advised to wear suitable footwear for a mixture of terrain.
Parking: There is a parking charge of £5 per vehicle. Details to follow.
Race options:
The following categories are being offered at this event:-
5k male and female 1 dog
5k 2 dog
Junior 14 – 18 (5k)
Junior 10- 13 (3k max)
9 and under
3k Male and Female 1 dog
3k 2 dog
Cubs (9 and under)
This event is free to enter and is only for ages 9 and below.
Please read the rules on the following page before entering. Parking and route details will be sent out one week prior to the event. Please ensure that you provide the correct email address on your entry.
Details of t-shirt ordering will be sent out prior to the event and can be collected from registration at the first event entered.
We are operating in line with the British Sleddog Sports Federation race rules with a few minor adaptations as local rules.
1. Racers ages will be regarded as the age they are on the final race day of the series. (2/2/2025)
Starting position and time for each team shall be determined by the race organiser, a missed start time will result in a 20 second time penalty and athletes will be allowed to start in the next available gap.
It is each individual driver’s responsibility to ensure by whatever means necessary that the designated course is safe and suitable for their team, bearing in mind its size and speed and their own level of skill and experience and the prevailing weather conditions at the time. The responsibility for the condition, safety and suitability of all dogs and equipment rests solely with the Driver and/or Owner. Any team, dog or driver coming to the event and being, in the opinion of the event organiser, unfit or incapable of completing the course in a safe and satisfactory manner, will:
Be asked to reduce their team size
Be asked to remove the dog in question from the team.
Be given the opportunity to enter a different, smaller class size.
Be asked not to attend the event and have entry fees refunded
The course will be available for inspection by all mushers prior to the event at the race organisers’ discretion. No dogs will be allowed on the marked course (in whole or part) except during the mushers designated heat. Inspection of the course on bike/scooter, including e-bike, will be determined by the race organiser in conjunction with the trail team, and determined upon any requests by the landowner and on local conditions expected for the race so that at no time is racing compromised. Failure to abide by this determination may lead to a penalty ranging from time added to disqualification from the event.
No dog, equipment or clothing shall be brought to an event from a kennel where any infectious disease exists or has existed within the previous three weeks. Any breach of this rule will result in disqualification and immediate removal from the event site.
Dog ages: No dog under 12 months of age will be allowed to race at this event. No dog under 18 months of age will be allowed to race the long course. Dogs must be at least 12 weeks of age and have had their initial vaccinations, in accordance with the British Small Animal Veterinary Association guidelines, to be allowed on the event site.
Mating of bitches is forbidden at any event.
Puppies will not be offered for sale at any event site.
Whelping bitches shall not be taken to race sites
Any dog that has recently whelped or had surgery must be given adequate time to recover before re-starting training.
Any device or implement prejudicial to the welfare of the dog shall not be used at any time at a race site. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of shock or prong collars or electrified fencing. The use of any such device may result in disqualification and being asked to leave the race site.
All dogs must be willing to work in harness (either running beside or in front of their runner) any dog who refuses to run should be withdrawn.
Reactive dogs – Reactivity is not always a sign of aggression in dogs and any dog who is deemed to be reactive must always be under the full control of the runner at the event. Dogs who are nervous must be easily identifiable and will be placed nearer the back of the starts to avoid proximity passing on the trail.
Muzzles – if your dog requires a muzzle to participate, the owner must notify the organisers in advance. It is at the organisers discretion to allow dogs to run with muzzles and any muzzle must allow the dog to breath, pant and drink with ease.
Passing and rights of way – at all points in the race, the faster runner has right of way, athletes with dogs that are unsure of passing, must move to the side to allow the faster team to pass safely. This applies to the entire trail, apart from the final 500 metres.
Shared trails – this event runs with shared trails and whilst signage and marshals are there to support, all participants are expected to navigate the trail independently and be courteous and respectful of other forest users.
Juniors shall not be allowed to race with 2 dogs at any distance. A junior is classed as under 18.
Adults may accompany racers in the 10-13 age category for safety but may not contribute to or assist with racing. (no commands, encouragement) The adult must be attached to the dog by a separate line and be behind the junior runner.
Adults must accompany any runner under the age of 9 and be attached by a line to the dog. They may not assist the runner or encourage the dog.
Adults accompanying juniors must be either related to or authorised by the responsible guardian, the race organisers accept no responsibility for organising supervision.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility at this event and as such anyone with any concerns must bring this to the attention of the committee immediately. Our safeguarding reporting protocol and guidance will be included in the pre-race briefing.
The committee and organisers reserve the right to amend these rules or include additional guidance up until and including on the day of the events and will notify those affected prior to their race category.