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Barrmill APR #3 of 4
20 Jul 2024
Barrmill APR #3 of 4 has now closed and you will not be able to sign-up for it. Please check the Organiser's Description for any organiser updates.
This event is in a testing state, and is not open for public sign-ups until the organiser has launched it.
Organiser's Description
You are entering the 3rd of 4 APR's at Barrmill this year on 20th July. These events are promoted under TTRRL regulations. The objective is to provide some affordable grass roots racing.
Anyone over 16 on the day of the event can enter, there is no category restriction or BC licence requirement. Those under 18 will require a parent or guardian signature on a paper entry form.
Each race will be 6 laps = 54 miles.
Closing date is Sunday 14th July.
Groups will be decided once entries finalised.
Until | |
03 Jul 2024 07:30 | £15.00 |
For each sign-up, the organiser pays the Service Fee of 4% (min 50p). You pay no surcharge
Dates and Status
Date: 20/07/2024
10:00:00 - 13:00:00
Status: Closed