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Wye Valley Runners Club Membership 2024 accepts memberships by application, which the organiser approves. You may apply now. As part of your Application, you'll authenticate your card details so that the organiser can approve your Application and instruct us to complete your payment.

Organiser's Description


We are a well-established, small and friendly running club lucky enough to be based in central Hereford, with easy access to the fantastic countryside on our doorstep.

We meet at the Halo Leisure Centre on Holmer Road, at Castle Green and at random places in deepest Herefordshire when the mood takes us.

Training evenings occur every Monday and Wednesday and vary from track to hills, trail, road and more. Our Run Leaders will guide you through our training schedule. We also meet most Sundays for a social run - unless the Cross Country race season gets in the way.

We welcome runners of all abilities - runners range from fast to very slow and everything in between.

We organise a series of races including the Muddy Woody, The Crocodile 8 Race, the Bearwood Trail 10k series and a couple of cross-country races. We take part in the summer and winter cross-country series and our members get involved in all sorts of racing including fell, ultra, mountain and road - you are very welcome to get involved. All members are asked to help at one or more of our club races - but don't worry it's fun and you won't be left alone.

Club members come from all over Herefordshire and across the border into Wales. We are open to all ages over 18. We have a great mix of people in the club - we pride ourselves on being open, relaxed and friendly.

We have a pretty straightforward code of conduct here which we ask you to sign up to - it's sensible stuff designed to make sure everyone is treated with respect.

Our aim is simply to get the most out of our sport - socially and competitively. Come and join us – we promise a warm welcome.


see Info

For each sign-up, the organiser pays the Service Fee of 4% (min 50p). You pay no surcharge

Dates and Status

Expiry Date: 31/12/2024

Status: Application


Dave Sherwood