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Organiser's Description

Welcome to East Lothian Triathlon Club

Membership & Fees 

Membership for the year or part thereof is £20 and runs from 1st of January to 31st December.

Membership entitles you to join us for any of our coached sessions throughout the year.

Our regular training session is a coached swim at The Aubigny Centre in Haddington on Saturdays at 16:30 - 17:30, this is £6 per session (pay as you go). Sign up available each week via the Spond app.

You will also be able to access our Facebook group and WhatsApp chat for club members where you'll find training tips shared by our coaches and details of any ad hoc coached cycle and run sessions, along with details of any uncoached meet-ups for runs, cycles and open water swims.

NB.  We do not currently have a junior or youth club and are unable to accept members under the age of 18

If you have any questions please message us.

East Lothian Triathlon Club




31 Dec 2024£20.00

For each sign-up, the organiser pays the Service Fee of 4% (min 50p). You pay no surcharge

Dates and Status

Expiry Date: 31/12/2024

Status: Open


Toby Durant